For security reasons, credit card data are not stored by PolBox.TV.

We accept payment cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express. The minimum value of the transaction is € 5, maximum € 1999.


PolBox.TV doesn’t store the data bank (in case of payment by credit card) or full payment details of their subscribers, because they do not have access to this information.

To pay by credit card, if you wish to complete the transaction, the client is redirected to the payment partner.

After payment, customer is automatically redirected back to the page

This eliminates the possibility of using confidential financial information by the payment system. Subscriber securely transmits transaction data, and in a separate window, he sees the amount of subscription fees.


The site uses a technology 'cookies' ( 'cookies') to create statistical reports.

'Cookies' is a small amount of data placed on your computer to help the website analyse the way in which users use the site.

«Cookie» contains information that may be necessary for the site - to save the settings and options for viewing, collection of statistical information on the site, visitors used ie, which sites, which has collected data, Internet domain names and country of the visitor, as well as the addresses of other sites Internet, which goes to the Sites.

All this information has nothing to do with you as a person. 'Cookies' do not describe your email address or any confidential information about your person.

About the main things
The new school year is a great opportunity to enjoy the best entertainment on PolBox.TV. Read more