The holidays are coming, and we have presents for you! Pick one and enjoy Polish TV!
We have 4 Christmas packages for you this year:
1. 12 months of Premium + decoder as a gift
2. Extend subscription of 12 months of Premium + decoder as a gift
3. 12 months of Premium + 3 months of Premium as a gift (12 + 3 months)
4. Extend subscription of 12 months of Premium + 3 months of Premium as a gift (15 months)
* The promo starts at 8 a.m. on November 18, 2020 and last till 8 a.m. on January 11, 2021 (CET).
* The ability to extend your subscription by Christmassy set can be used only once.
* The featured products proposals do not sum for clients with other promos, discounts and coupons.
* Dealers purchase the Christmas packages with their discounts.